Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Get Your Jamba On, People.

This one is straight from the source--as we know, Nick has access to all of the Jamba secrets.

The Orange-a-Peel Jamba Juice recipe is:

16 oz: 8 oz OJ, 4 oz Vanilla Frozen Yogurt, 4 oz Strawberries, 2 oz Bananas, 2 oz ice
24 oz: 12 oz OJ, 6 oz VFY, 6 oz Straw, 3 oz Ban, 2 oz ice
32 oz: 14 oz OJ, 9 oz VFY, 9 oz Straw, 3 oz Ban, 2 oz ice

Instructions: Blend.

Citrus Squeeze is pretty similar, only the juice is half OJ and half Pineapple juice and Orange Sherbet instead of the Frozen Yogurt. And if you want to go healthy, mix carrot juice with OJ and Strawberries and bananas. You can add plain or vanilla yogurt in with it. It's more of a drink though...

And remember, frozen fruit makes tasty treats, unfrozen fruit makes slimy drinks.

1 comment:

Nick Walsh said...

I will have to post my own smoothie recipes on here. I think they're better than JJ's recipes. Take that with a grain of salt though. Most people think my tastes are quite strange and/or disgusting.